Thursday, November 29, 2007


I posted on my blog something about Joseph Campbell and how his work has been influential in my thinking and growing. Writing it made me curious about what my fellow porch dwellers would say about the writers, teachers, leaders, musicians, etc., who have influenced you... Who would it be if you had to select a few, what quote or lyric of theirs stands out the most to you, and what would you say about them?

I'm curious...


k-10 said...

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive... so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."

--Joseph Campbell (imported from the other blog)

I think we often get confused about this very statement. We keep searching diligently for the "right" career path...trying to make the "right" choices...and find the ultimate meaning of life. Maybe there is none other than to struggle and work and live...really live like he is describing.

I don't think that people can be alive when they sit in front of 'puter screens all day long. I don't know how anyone could think the way our society has evolved is beneficial to being alive.

I've heard parents say "life happens in the car between school and practice." I think that's part of it.

I think the other part is simple contentment. I know I am one for whom the grass is always greener somewhere else...but I like my life. There's this constant pull between here and there, now and then.

It boils down to this: How can you really find contenment unless you feel like your life has a purpose or meaning...and how can you feel like your life has meaning unless you really live?

Even in thinkin

k-10 said...

um...the "Even in thinkin" part was supposed to get deleted--I can't figure out how to go back and change it, but didn't want people to think I am weird.

B said...

i have things to say about this, but i have been too busy to collect my thoughts.