Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sameless Self Promotion

Hey guys

Autumn In Repair
May 9th
Beaumont Club


love yous

Monday, April 28, 2008

this is amazing...

watch this great, unedited interview with a Catholic priest:

...and then watch The Bill O'Reilly go to work:

When it rains, it pours.

So i suppose the two disclaimers on this post would be as follows:
1) i am and will always be slightly obsessed with 90's rock. I will be that dad who never lets his kids listen to current music because the station will always be on the "classic rock" station, which will be of course, the 90's.
2) i may or may not be mentally unstable right now. (its funny cause its true)

So i just listened to the song "lightning crashes" by Live. By "just listened," i mean "have been listening on repeat for close to a half an hour" of course.
To fully understand this post, it would benefit you greatly to stop reading now, and listen to "lightning crashes." dont act like you dont have a copy of that album sitting around somewhere, you know you played the shit out of it back in 1996.
basically from the solo section to the end of the song is rocking my world. i literally am moved to tears by this ending. I think its remarkable song writing to begin and end the chorus with the line "oh i feel it" and "i can feel it."
its so moving when someone nails the point that there is so much more happening in this fucked up world we find ourselves in. Forces pulling from the center of the earth. Indeed. No matter what, i can feel things happening around me, and i know that im not alone, even though i feel like that alot.
i looked up what the song is about using Wiki, which is amazing, and basically its about a friend of theirs that was killed by a drunk driver. Her organs were donated, and the song is about the idea of beauty out of totally fucking disaster.
if only all of life could be just that.
maybe it is, and im just not seeing it as much as i should.
By the end of the song, Ed is yelling the lyrics, and there is an amazing counter melody in the background driving the point home.
Oh i feel it coming back again
like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
forces pulling from the center of the earth again
i can feel it.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I just remember their kindness and goodness to me, and their peacefulness and their utter simplicity. They inspired real reverence, and I think, in a way, they were certainly saints. And they were saints in that most effective and telling way: sanctified by leading ordinary lives in a completely supernatural manner, sanctified by obscurity, by usual skills, by common tasks, by routine, but skills, tasks, routine which received a supernatural form from grace within, and from the habitual union of their souls with God in deep faith and charity.

-thomas merton, seven storey mountain

Friday, April 25, 2008

Crystal Ball

Who is the man I see
Where I'm supposed to be?
I lost my heart, I buried it too deep
Under the iron sea

Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall

Lines ever more unclear
Not sure I'm even here
The more I look the more I think that I'm
Starting to disappear

Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Oh, crystal ball, hear my song
I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong
So put me where I belong

I don't know where I am
And I don't really care
I look myself in the eye
There's no-one there
I fall upon the earth
I call upon the air
But all I get is the same old vacant stare

......Indeed, says I.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the day after earth day...

“Once our personal connection to what is wrong becomes clear, then we have to choose: we can go on as before, recognizing our dishonesty and living with it the best we can, or we can begin the effort to change the way we think and live.”

-Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Unofficial Rock Band/Guitar Hero Purity Quiz

Shredding Skill (Average: 61%):


Obsession and Devotion (Average: 43%):


Showmanship (Average: 40%)



(with judicious usage of Star Power):

Average Finish: 63%

It happens to the best of us. Remember, there's no shame - you just need to go back and rock harder!

Brought to you by My Name Is Might Have Been, the post-apocalyptic Rock Band comic

Take the quiz yourself!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Monday, April 14, 2008

Novel Update #4

indeed you may not care, but i wrote 1,133 words today.
not much, but def. a step in the right direction.
maybe i should pay my taxes more often. it seemed to open up the creative juices.

Welp. They are due by tomorrow so i thought i would deal with them today.
Remember that haunting last line of the book "1984?"

and i quote..

"Winston loved Big Brother."

call me Winston.
call the IRS Big Brother.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Now most of you know that i consider Kurt Vonnegut to be a genius, the likes of which may or may not ever be seen again...

so it should come as no suprise to you that i would post a quote or two. I'm in the middle of reading his last book called A Man Without A Country. It's not a novel. its basically the ramblings of an 82 year old son of a bitch who hates the Bush administration, Rush Limbaugh, war, and loves his family, especially his wife Jill, and has smoked Pall Mall unfiltered cigs since he was 12 years old. At one point he blames the makers of Pall Mall for allowing him to reach the ripe old age of 82. He says they didnt follow through on the promise they put on every pack of smokes, which is that they will kill you..

anyway, here are two quotes that needed sharing..

"No matter how corrupt, greedy and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, our religious and charitable institutions have become, the music will still be wonderful. If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph,

Here's another gem..

"If you really want to hurt your parents, and you dont have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts. I'm not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way to make life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."

- Kurt Vonnegut 1922-2007