Monday, September 29, 2008


This is the current picture on connected to the story about the House of Representatives' refusal to bailout Wall Street. This picture is of a man on Wall Street reacting to the Dow's plunge after hearing the news. This picture may cause you to feel pity for him and his sad, sad woes.

But here's the thing: this is not the taxpayers' problem. This is the failure of greedy rich men and an incompetent administration who felt sorry that their greedy rich friends weren't rich enough. Our elected officials did the right thing by rejecting the bail out as the plan currently stands, even if the President says that the sky will fall as a result.

Please don't have pity on George and his corporate welfare baby mamas. They did this to themselves and don't deserve to have the taxpayers pick up their mess. Our economy may crumble and things might get worse for America, but right now the bail out is not the best, or the only, solution.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Political Rambling

I have entered into an email dialogue with my very-conservative uncle about Sarah Palin's qualifications. We are currently disagreeing over whether or not the Bush Doctrine is common knowledge.

Nearly every house on my block has an Obama sign in the yard. I know there are at least two Republicans on the block, but I think they might be too intimidated to put out yard signs.

Isn't that sad that there might be only two Republicans on my block?

I'm volunteering with the KC Election Board at the library rather than the Obama campaign. It's not as sexy, but I think it's a bit more laid back. I helped six people register today, and that feels pretty good.

The most recent Pitch has a cartoon of Sarah Palin giving birth to a child while simultaneously dressing a moose and speaking in tongues. I laughed really hard.

I'll end with the Winston Churchill quote that my uncle concluded his email with: "If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart; if you are 40 and not a conservative, you have no brain."