Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

My life update

Hi friends--
I just wrote this update in e-mail form to Cammie and realized that I haven't seen some of you for about as long as I haven't seen Cammie, so I decided to post it here. Nothing special, just my update.

Things are going well for is school. Lots of work to do, lots of things to distract me from work I don't want to do. Like Halloween and this election; knitting scarves and Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer. But overall, I am feeling good about where I am with all of the career/life decisions. I'm on a path and right now is the boring part where I'm in the middle of the forest and all I can see is the same old trees I've been staring at for a year, but eventually, I know I'll emerge and stumble upon some beautiful scenic view and it will be worth the trudge. I interviewed with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) here in KC and I can go back to the law firm I worked for last summer, so it's just waiting at this point and seeing where I will end up at least initially after law school.

In my other life, I'm singing in the choir at church and really enjoying it. I am also taking voice lessons with Matthew Shepard which is helping me be a better, more confident singer. I also just started (last week) volunteering in my friend Derek's classroom of 5th graders at Troost Elementary. He's having me help them one on one with math (division and multiplication) and it's really rewarding. They are two really small things that I can fit in with my otherwise totally self-indulgent (if you can call reading 18 hours a day for school that) lifestyle and I'm glad for a change of pace a couple times a week.

Oh, and Zadee is about to become the most well-behaved dog ever. I am going to dominate her like nobody's business. Cesar (the dog whisperer) has inspired me. We have ordered the DVDs of the first season through Netflix :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Beware of Old Man McCain- while it may appear that he wanders around stages aimlessly, make no mistake: he is on the prowl with a purpose!:

And what the hell is this? Can any of you see Palin's purse? It's a canvas bag with a moose!! WTF?:

No comment:

'Nuff said:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John McCain is FULL OF LIES

Apparently, John McCain believes that his constituents are TOTAL MORONS. More importantly, John McCain believes independent voters are STUPID AND GULLIBLE.

I cannot believe the smugness of this man as he sits here lying through his teeth and stumbling over his words. He is a skeezy old man who creeps me out with his false smiles and awkward looks into the eyes of the American people.

He dodges a question about his nasty campaign which has directly attacked Barack Obama's character in commercials and rallies--with Sarah Palin calling Obama a terrorist and allowing a rally-attender to yell "Kill Him!" with absolutely NO response--and then has the nerve to say the McCain campaign has not been nasty and turn it around on Obama and say that his feelings are hurt because a Senator Lewis called him out for these irresponsible acts that JOHN MC CAIN and SARAH PALIN have CAUSED.

He demands that Obama apologize for someone speaking the truth about an outrageous event and when Obama, with grace and poise, refuses to do so because it would be effectively endorsing McCain's fear-mongering and justifying threats that may be made on his life because of this dirty, dirty campaign of lies against his personal character, McCain says his feelings are hurt. I am absolutely disgusted by this behavior. Does he really believe that people are going to believe that Obama has run a more nasty campaign that McCain? Apparently, McCain believes independent voters are stupid enough to believe him.

His supporting evidence is, "well, your commercial attacked my healthcare policy"--yes John...that's because your proposed "$5,000 refundable credit" so people can purchase their own health care policy on the free market is ABSOLUTLELY STUPID. And the merits of health care policies are precisely the things a campaign for President of the United State SHOULD focus on. Apparently, McCain believes people are as ignorant as he is and believe that they could purchase decent health care coverage for $5,000.

Let me mention one more thing about the rallies. Whether it was just a facial tick or not, in the video clip where McCain asks "Who is Barack Obama?" and someone yells out "A Terrorist!"--I saw a slight reaction in John McCain's facial expression that said "holy shit! What am I doing?" For a brief second, I thought maybe,just maybe he had a soul.

I also have seen the clip of the town hall meeting where John McCain says (paraphrase) "yes, I want to win this election, but at the end of the day, if I didn't, I can't say that Barack Obama is not a good person" and his crowd BOOs him! I applaud McCain for these two instances where I am able to see that he might still have a soul underneath all of this...but sir, it is NOT ENOUGH.

Shame on you, John McCain for creating a situation where Barack Obama may seriously have threats on his life when he is elected because of you and your smear campaign against his character. You and Sarah have intentionally played on people's fears of terrorists and Muslims in ways that are beyond despicable. YOU have incited a dangerous type of anger among people who are desparate. You alone should be held accountable for this. And spare us the false hurt feelings. I do not speak for the Obama campaign, I speak for myself. I am an American. I am not voting for you. I have the freedom of speech guaranteed by our Constitution.

On his absurd choice for VP...John McCain belives women are stupid.

Sarah Palin is NOT a role-model to women. Are you kidding me? She is an anti-feminist who has used her good looks and bitchy drama-queen schtick to get ahead in her career. It is laughable that McCain believes women are inspired by Palin.

Yes, she's given money back to the taxpayer ("Welcome to Alaska, here's $1,000"--from the Simpson's movie) but that is definitely not a strong point as she has done so by encouraging oil companies to rape the great state (which she constantly reminds us is her home) of its natural resources. And she is pushing for more. Don't get me started on drilling in ANWR and polar bears. What a moron.

Sarah Palin has NOT involved more people in the political process who have never been involved--that would be Barack Obama. I am so sick of them taking credit for the hard work that Obama has put in to run a campaign that has been inspirationally non-traditional, or at least has successfully bucked the Karl Rovian tradition established in the last few elections involving Dubya.

This woman is absolutely ridiculous and the fact that McCain chose her is a JOKE. It's insulting to women and to Americans.

Furthermore, John McCain apparently believes Sarah Palin's son has autism. Therefore, he insists Sarah knows more about dealing with autism than most Americans. Oh my god. McCain needs to be checked for Alzheimer's. He seems to be having trouble remembering that Trigg Palin has Down's Syndrome. And that is different than autism.

To close it all off, McCain says the candidates have had a healthy discussion during this debate. Really, "healthy"? I would like to know by what standard McCain measures health.
According to McCain, our economy is healthy. According to McCain, deregulation to the point of absurdity is healthy.

Did he not just attack Obama's use of the word "health," portraying Obama as an "eloquent" speaker (which is a bad thing) and turn Obama's direct statement that "no one is pro-abortion" into a slam on Obama's character. John McCain has some serious mental health issues if he believes the discussion of last night's debate was healthy.

I am outraged that the American people would allow him to get away with this kind of behavior. Lying is the behavior of a child, not a 72 year old man who is running for President. Outraged.

Monday, October 13, 2008


We decorated our porch for Halloween this weekend. It looks awesome. We have a scarecrow that looks like John McCain (just in time for some final campaigning) and a giant black widow spider in a web that the neighbor kids helped me make. I would love to post a picture of it for you all to enjoy, but I have discovered one more thing that was stolen from our house when we were burglarized...our camera charger. So until we get a new one, you will just have to use that old fashioned imagination to envision our stellar decorations.

Secondly, Andrew mowed the lawn, so we are all set for a fall extravaganza in our back yard. We have decided to have a Halloween party to show off our amazing porch decor and costumes we picked up this weekend at the Goodwill. Hope everyone can make it. It should be a rockin' good time.

Finally, people who steal other people's pumpkins and smash them are lame. On that note, people who steal anything from someone else is lame. Back to pumpkins, though. We invested a whole day to go to the pumpkin patch and carefully select some really cool pumpkins. They have not yet been taken, but I would be really frustrated if they are. All we're trying to do is spread some holiday cheer...we've already been burgled...leave the pumpkins alone...for the children.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

If a blog is posted in the woods and no one is around to read it....


"Scientists... found that alcoholic mice who are forced to stop drinking no longer try to swim when placed in a beaker of water, perhaps indicating that they are depressed." -Harper's Magazine

I don't want to talk about the election or politics in general.

I just got back from Half Price Books. I bought "Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time" by Marcus Borg, "The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare" by GK Chesterton, and a $1 copy of "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver so I can give it as a Christmas present. Perfect day to sit on the porch and read, think, blog, drink water, watch butterflies, what have you.

The Hyde Park Homes Tour is going on today, which means lots of tourists walking and driving through the neighborhood between houses that are open for tours. There is a big ass limo-bus thing from Overland Park that passes my house every five minutes, and every time it passes Zadee runs to the end of her leash and barks at it, with unsuspecting Johnson Countians looking at her through tinted windows like she is some kind of crazy, which is true.

“God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny.” -Garrison Keillor