Thursday, February 14, 2008

Green Valentine's Day <3

I got on-line to look for "Green" Valentine's Day ideas and am a little disappointed in what I see.

Ideas across the board are pretty consistent...
1. Buy fair trade chocolate
2. Drink organic wine (mmmm...i love wine)
3. Make your own Valentine's card from recycled paper or, better yet, send an e-card.

I mean, seriously people. How long did you spend thinking before your blogged that revolutionary list of ideas out?

There were a few ideas that we a little more hopeful such as...
4. buy organic crocuses (flowers--currently in season) which can be planted later
5. Try a lamb-skin condom
6. (for the more ambitious) mix Shakespeare's sonnets on your lover's favorite ipod mix to pop up randomly throughout the day

But still, I'm left wondering why people who know that this holiday is just a way to make money are sucked in. Every website I went to was full of "green" or "recycled" products that could be yours for just $19.99. I even saw a website that was selling what appeared to be old beer and wine bottles that had the bottoms cut off and were turned upside down and placed on a stand and being sold as "wine glasses." They must belong to the facebook group "Recycle that shit."

That said, I admit my own weakness in sucumbing to the lovey-dovey pressure of the holiday and even walking around saying things like "Happy Valentine's Day" to people. And I did send an e-card...but only because it was perfect. This whole holiday is just so strange.

I feel like there's not much room for creativity or genuine experience. Are we just following the trend set by millions who have gone before us? Or is there something more out there. Clearly, this is not just a question about Valentine's day, but generally about life.

Sometimes I find it useful to know that others have struggled through the same circumstance I am in and made it through alive...very useful in helping me drudge through law school and that I am keeping in reserve for child birth. But other days, I think "what's the point"--everyone is the same, there is nothing unique, nothing fresh, nothing new. It's like we're in Groundhog's Day (the movie w/ Bill Murray) and have no way to escape this repeated scene called human existence.

I hate the day after Valentine's Day because of the question, "So--what did you do for Valentine's Day?" Talk about a loaded question--I mean, what am I supposed to say? Most people's stories are the same old boring sequence (went to dinner, brought me flowers, etc., etc.) I think that everyone should blaze their own trail and say things like "got busy" or "practiced baby-making" or--and this is only for the really bold--"did it." See what kind of reaction your boss has to that one.

Author's Note: This post (as many of mine do) started with the intention of being about local sustainability and how nutty crunchy people push fair trade as a way to be ecologically friendly...but I just don't get how shipping fair trade cotton from Africa to make underwear actually helps anyone. Culture of consumerism...just spend more and that will fix everything...economic stimulus...that kind of thing. But, I guess I got distracted. Sorry.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

yeah, consumerism's a biznatch. eff it.