Friday, February 29, 2008

Patriotism = Consumerism

Speaking to the press about the congressional stimulus package to keep at bay a much-feared national recession:

“And the purpose is to encourage our consumers. The purpose is to give them money …Consumerism is a significant part of our GDP growth, and we want to sustain the American consumer, encourage the American consumer…”
-George W. Bush, 2/27/08

Translation: The most American thing you can do right now to help our country is to spend money that you don't have on shit that you don't need.


B said...

its almost over.....

sara said...

I love america.


I am still pissed that you didn't come out last night.

k-10 said...

You know what I want to do with my stimulus? Move to another country.

B said...

the word "stimulus" is starting to make me feel uncomfortable....